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Blog Submissions

We accept news articles, opinionated editorials, and culture reviews on a rolling basis.

The Incandescent Review is looking for work that expresses honest opinions and emotional responses to timely and relevant personal or world issues. Please include a short explanation of how your work applies to our purpose in the first text box provided in the submissions portal. You are eligible for submission if you are between the ages of 13 and 24.


We allow simultaneous submissions as long as we are notified at our email ( immediately after their acceptance in another publication. We do not accept previously published work unless it has been published only in print or it has been recognized in a contest. Works from personal blogs or social media accounts are also accepted.


News stories should be linked to at least two credible sources. 

Editorials should have a clear angle or perspective.

Culture reviews should be interesting.


Submissions must go through email. Please email your submissions to with the subject heading, "Attn: Blog Submission."


  • Submit your work as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. 

  • Do not include the writer’s name anywhere on the title box or document.

  • All submissions must be in English.

  • We do not accept submissions that include slurs or hate speech.

  • Upon acceptance, you will be contacted via email within the next month.

If you are accepted, you will be contacted by email within the next month. If not, you may assume that your work has not found a place in our blog.

Please email your submissions to with the subject heading,

"Attn: Blog Submission." 


We look forward to reviewing your work!

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