Submit To The Magazine | The Incandescent Review
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Literary Magazine


We are open to art submissions and writing submissions.

Our literary magazine publishes quarterly. We are looking for work that expresses honest opinions and emotional responses to timely and relevant personal or world issues. You are eligible for submission if you are between the ages of 13 and 24. 


We do not accept previously published work unless it has been published only in print or it has been recognized in a contest. Works from personal blogs or personal social media accounts are also accepted. We allow simultaneous submissions as long as we are notified at our email ( immediately after the piece's acceptance in another publication.


We ask for first North American publishing rights and archival rights for all accepted work. All rights revert back to the author upon publication, however we ask that you mention The Incandescent Review in future publications as where your work was originally published.


Submissions must go through email. Please email your submissions to with the subject heading, "Attn: [Genre]_Submission." For example, a poem would be submitted under "Attn: Poetry_Submission."




  • Submit your original work as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. Do not share a google doc, upload your file separately. 

  • Please include a brief, third person biography in the email, which will be added as contributor notes.

  • Please include a brief explanation of how other teens may relate to your work, and/or how your work relates to relevant and timely issues in the email (required for both art and writing submissions). 

  • Do not include the writer or artist’s name anywhere on the title box or document. We read all submissions name-blind.

  • All submissions must be in English. If you include words or phrases in another language, please include their English translations at the bottom of your submission.​​

  • Plagiarism is not allowed. We do not accept submissions that include slurs, hate speech, or pornographic material. Writers who submit the above will not have access to submit in the future.

  • If you are submitting more than one piece, please submit them as separate documents with the title of the piece as the document name. We will accept no more than 3 pieces per genre per issue.


We offer an Expedited Submission option (7 day response time) for $5.00 and extensive Feedback for prose and poetry submissions for $15.00.









Prose: 11-12 point font, double-spaced, no more than six pages per submission

Poetry: 11-12 point font, single-spaced, no more than six pages per submission​​

Submissions are open until Feb. 15, 2024 11:59PM for Issue 19 (Spring 2025).

Please anticipate responses a month after submissions close.





At least 300 DPI and at least 8' by 8' digitally. Please do not submit fan art.


Please email your submissions to with the subject heading, "Attn: [Genre]_Submission."



We look forward to reviewing your work!

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